The Social Work Is Mutual Aid (SWIM) Ohio Network is a volunteer-led, grassroots effort to build a resilient social work community.

We believe in solidarity, not charity and encourage our Network to take what you need and share what you can. We came together as a response to the outcome of the 2024 election and recognize that building authentic relationships, creating communities of care, and taking care of each other is critical in the days ahead.

We understand that we are only as strong as the most vulnerable in our community and strive for our collective liberation. Efforts are currently focused in the Northeast Ohio area, but we anticipate expanding across Ohio quickly. Please sign up wherever you live and share with your social work network!

Dolphin jumping over wavy lines above SWIM Ohio Network text

Examples of Solidarity, Not Charity

We envision the SWIM Ohio Network as a responsive community of care and support and offer the following examples as an illustration of our vision:

  • Offering knowledge about how to make jam or can preserves
  • Offering tomatoes from your garden in exchange for help weeding the garden
  • Requesting a “meal train” after surgery or unexpected unemployment
  • Requesting a ride to a local community event or offering to carpool
  • Offering extra toiletries or cleaning products
  • Offering to exchange books you have already read with another member
  • Requesting mutual support to process the outcome of the 2024 election
  • Requesting help downloading Signal on your phone and learning how to use it
  • During community-wide power outages, offering to share electricity and charge devices to members without power.

Our Process

Any social worker or social work student is encouraged to participate in the SWIM Ohio Network. We will ask for some identifying information to verify that you are a social worker or social work student before adding you to our Network. This information will not be shared or available to anyone besides our Core Organizing Team. As we increase our capacity and bandwith, we may open the Network to other helping professionals like Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists, etc.

Submit Member Request

Social workers or social work students will submit a request to join the Network. The Core Organizing Team will confirm the request and add the new member to our Network.

Access the Network

Members are able to add themselves to our SWIM Directory and request/offer items, support, or knowledge.

Use the Network

Members facilitate their own matches of requests and offers.

Community Guidelines

Ready to SWIM with us?